‘One Nation, One Election’ concept goes against democracy: Vaiko

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The MDMK leader has written to Niten Chandra , secretary of the High Level Committee on ‘One Nation, One Election’ and has said such a concept would entail dismissing an elected government before its term was up, and therefore, it would go against democracy

MDMK general secretary and MP Vaiko has opposed the concept of ‘One Nation, One Election’ and has said it goes against democracy.

In his letter to Niten Chandra , secretary of the High Level Committee on ‘One Nation, One Election’, Mr. Vaiko pointed out that while some of the arguments put forth in favour of one poll such as reduction of costs as well as that the ruling party could then focus on welfare measures and not concentrate on winning elections were valid, this issue could not be viewed only from the aspect of cost. When one poll is conducted, there would be a situation where State governments have to be dismissed before completing their term. Opposition parties have argued that this would go against cooperative federalism, and this argument cannot be ignored, Mr. Vaiko said.

For the purpose of ‘One Nation, One Election’, dismissing an elected government, would against the opinion of the public that had elected it, he added. The concept was also not practically feasible and should be dropped, Mr. Vaiko added in his letter.
