Why are Covid, H1N1 cases spiralling across cities? Experts suggest ways to tackle a concoction of viruses

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Patients are coming in with low oxygen levels, shortness of breath and pneumonia in addition to the common symptoms of upper respiratory infections, say doctors

With sudden changes in temperatures and high levels of pollution, doctors across the country have been reporting an increase in respiratory infections over the last couple of weeks. Most patients have been reaching clinics with fever, cough, cold, sore throats and chest discomfort. While Covid-19 continues to be a cause of concern — with an increase in surveillance after the new JN.1 variant was reported — several viruses such as influenza, RSV, adenovirus, rhinovirus, and even the bacteria mycoplasma pneumoniae are in circulation together across the globe. It is this concoction of pathogens that’s making us sick this winter, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said recently.
