IOA forms ad hoc committee to oversee matters of suspended Wrestling Federation of India

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The committee will be led by Bhupinder Singh Bajwa who is the chairman and will also consist of MM Somaya and Manjusha Kanwar.

Indian wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, and Sakshi Malik address a news conference as they take part in a sit-in protest demanding arrest of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief, who they accuse of sexually harassing female players, in New Delhi, India, April 24, 2023. 


The Indian Olympic Association on Wednesday formed an ad-hoc committee on Wednesday to look into the matters of the federation just days after the newly elected Wrestling Federation of India body was suspended by the Sports Ministry.

The committee will be led by Wushu Association of India Bhupinder Singh Bajwa who is the chairman and will also consist of Olympian MM Somaya and former international badminton player Manjusha Kanwar.
